Add HD Word Plus™ to Your HD Word™ Instruction
HD Word Plus is a set of 32 Support Units that extend the learning for students participating in HD Word instruction. Each Support Unit is aligned with one unit in HD Word and includes additional practice, supplemental instruction, and videos that help reinforce and extend the concepts taught in HD Word. HD Word Plus is designed to be used for intervention instruction and practice after students have received initial HD Word instruction. It can also be used to teach spelling concepts related to the phonics concepts and to build students’ vocabulary.
To learn more, download our document that will help you explore HD Word Plus. It includes an overview, sample lesson plans, and sample student workbook pages. Please use to see the integrated online teacher presentation tool. Click here to download the HD Word Plus Sample Lesson and Overview>>
Teacher Guides
HD Word Plus Teacher Guides have 32 Support Units that extend the learning for students participating in HD Word instruction and includes:
- 3 lesson plan books, and set of 2 student workbooks
- Blackline masters of some activity sheets
- A thorough explanation of the concepts, routines, and procedures
- Incremental professional development, so it can be taught by a wide range of educators, not just seasoned literacy professionals
- Suggestions for how to differentiate the activities
- How to provide extra support and scaffolding for struggling students
- How to extend the activity for students who need more of a challenge
Online Teaching Tool
HD Word Plus Online is an essential online teaching tool that brings the lessons to life and is available in annual and six-month subscription options. When the instruction pairs this visual component with the use of the student manipulative kits, students learn and retain concepts faster and more effectively. D Word Plus Online:
- Integrates animations that help teachers deliver concise, precise, and fluent instruction
- Increases instructional pacing
- Reduces teacher prep time
- Helps to engage students in deeper learning
- Includes Student Workbook activity answer keys
- Can be used with an interactive whiteboard, LCD projector, tablet, or stand-alone computer
Student Workbooks
There are two HD Word Plus Student Workbooks:
- Book 1 (Support Units 1-20)
- Book 2 (Support Units 21-33)
Each student has their own workbook. The HD Word Plus Workbooks:
- Can be used as informal assessments
- As a means for the students to review and practice concepts, they have been taught
- Provide students with the targeted repetition they need
- Allow students to practice and reread syllables, words, phrases, sentences, and definitions
- Give students the opportunity to review spelling concepts related to the targeted phonics concepts
HD Word Skills Assessment
The HD Word Skills Assessments are a set of assessments aligned to the scope and sequence of HD Word. These assessments allow teachers to progress monitor students’ performance in the corresponding HD Word units and identify areas in which students need more practice and support to master concepts. Additionally, these assessments provide teachers with guidance on what to teach in HD Word Plus. If students struggle with specific content on the Skills Assessments, teachers can easily find additional instruction or practice activities on those concepts in HD Word Plus to fill in the gaps.
HD Word Student Kit
Do you need additional HD Word Students Kits?
The HD Word Student Kit provides the vehicle for effective multisensory phonics instruction. Students learn concepts faster and retain them better when they use physical manipulative kits. The kits include the letter tiles, color tiles, SyllaBoards™, and other components needed to complete all 32 units. Note: If students participated in Blast Foundations G1A, the HD Word Student Kit upgrade (HDUP $18) will supplement the Blast Student Kit with additional tiles so it can be used to complete all lessons in HD Word and HD Word Plus.
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